
  1. Assistant Professor (Maîtresse de conférences)

    Conservatoire national des arts et métiers
    • I am a member of the computer science department
    • My research focuses on computer vision, representation learning and multimodal learning.
    • Publications in top-tier international conferences in machine learning and computer vision, including ICLR 2025.
  2. Postdoctoral researcher

    École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland
    • I worked on different projects involving multimodal data and vision-language models
    • Publications in top-tier international conferences in machine learning and computer vision, including AAAI, ECCV.
    • Supervision of 5 master projects, 2 master thesis and collaboration/supervision of PhD students.
    • Teaching assistant for Master’s level courses in machine learning, deep learning, and image processing.
  3. Postdoctoral researcher

    Université de Bretagne Sud, France
    • Deep learning at the service of the ecology of plant communities growing in metal‑rich soils in former mining areas.
    • I developed semi‑supervised and transfer learning methods for semantic segmentation of ultra‑high‑resolution drone‑captured images.
    • Supervision of a research student internship.
  4. PhD candidate

    ONERA & Université de Bretagne Sud
    • I developed semi‑supervised neural networks for semantic segmentation.
    • I developed generative methods for semi‑supervised classification.
    • I created a new benchmark dataset for semi‑supervised methods: MiniFrance.
    • I co‑organized the international contest IEEE GRSS Data Fusion Contest 2022 on semi‑supervised learning for land cover classification.
    • Teaching assistant for Master’s level courses in machine learning, optimization, and image processing (ENSTA, Institut d’optique GS, ESIEE), and for bachelor’s level courses in mathematics (UVSQ).
  5. Research Intern

    • Application of deep learning methods to Earth observation data.
    • Study of semantic segmentation networks on large scale data.
  6. Intern

    Société Générale
    • 6 months internship in the marketing and trading department.
    • Index management and numerical implementations (C# and C++).


  1. PhD Artificial Intelligence

    Université de Bretagne Sud & ONERA
    Thesis on Semi-supervised learning for large scale Earth observation data understanding. Supervised by Prof. Sébastien Lefèvre, Dr. Bertrand Le Saux and Dr. Alexandre Boulch.
    Download my PhD manuscript here
  2. MSc Data Science

    École Polytechnique & Université Paris-Saclay
    Courses included: Machine learning; Deep learning; Statistical learning theory; Bayesian learning; Graphical models; Kernel methods, Natural language processing; Computer vision, Optimization for data science.
  3. MEng Applied Mathematics

    École Centrale Paris & Universidad de Chile

    Courses included: Algebra; Calculus; Optimization, Topology, Measure theory; Functional analysis; Probability; Statistics; Stochastic calculus; Probabilistic machine learning.

    Master thesis “Study of the applicability of item response theory (IRT) models to the national mathematics university selection test (PSU)”. Supervised by Prof. Jaime San Martín.

  4. BSc Mathematical Engineering

    Universidad de Chile
    Courses included: Algebra; Calculus; Optimization, Topology, Measure theory; Functional analysis; Probability; Statistics; Stochastic calculus; Probabilistic machine learning.